Embassy of Germany announces launch of 2021 IPS program

The German Bundestag invites the graduates of higher education establishments of Moldova to Berlin for a placement in a Member’s office in 2021. The International Parliamentary Scholarship program lasts a total of five months and is intended for graduates interested in politics and proficient in German, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Embassy of Germany says the participants will be given the opportunity to get to know the various tasks carried out in a Member’s office.

This year the program involves about 120 persons from all over the world. Starting with 2008, 34 young people from Moldova could work in a German Bundestag Member’s office. The goal of the program is to extend the relations between Germany and the Republic of Moldova.

The 2021 IPS program of the German Bundestag will take place between March 1 and July 31, 2021. The selected young people will benefit from a monthly scholarship of €500, free accommodation and insurance.

The program is open to young people born after March 1, 1991 who know German very well. Detailed information abouy the program, eligibility cietria and selection procedure can be found on the Bundestag’s website. The file must be emailed to info@chisinau.diplo.de in a PDM format by July 31, 2020.

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