Emanoil Ploșnița, re-elected as head of Lawyers’ Union

Emanoil Ploșnița was re-elected as chairman of the Lawyers’ Union. On Friday, November 22, Emanoil Ploșnița's candidacy obtained 156 votes at the Lawyers’ Congress. The other four contenders gained between 2 and 104 votes. For the chairmanship of the Lawyers’ Union competed Dorin Popescu, lawyer of A.A. “Law Department” Office, Victor Panțîru, head of "Panțîru and Partners" Lawyer's Association, lawyer Angela Istrate and Vitalie Țaulean, lecturer at "Stefan cel Mare" Police Academy, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, reports IPN.

Emanoil Ploșnița has been employed as a lawyer since 1987. The candidate motivated his participation in the competition by the fact that he wanted to continue what he started within the institution and "to contribute to the acknowledgement of the importance of lawyers’ work in the society."

The chairman of the Lawyers’ Union is elected by secret ballot, with the absolute majority of votes, by the Lawyers’ Congress, for a term of two years, from among the lawyers with a tenure of at least five years. The same person may be elected chairman of the Lawyers’ Union for maximum two consecutive terms. The chairman of the Lawyers’ Union may be removed by the Lawyers’ Congress under the same conditions.

350 lawyers registered at the congress.

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