Electricity consumption for the right bank of the Dniester for today, January 18, is fully covered, and emergency contracts do not need to be activated, reports the Crisis Cell.
The forecasted average weighted purchase price of electricity for today is 125.33 euros/MWh, which is approximately 19.47 euros/MWh lower than the purchase price included in regulated tariffs for the supply and transport of electricity, IPN reports.
Today, total consumption is expected to be similar to yesterday's. More than half of this consumption is covered through electricity imports, and the required amount has been fully covered based on commercial contracts, without activating emergency contracts.
In the thermal energy sector, on the right bank, all generation sources are operational, and there are no risks, the cited source adds.
In the natural gas sector, pressures in all segments of the transport system managed by "Vestmoldtransgaz" LLC are within functional parameters.