Electoral bribery allegations in Donduseni and Floresti – former candidate implicated

A former mayoral candidate in Donduseni and a political supporter from Florești are accused of electoral bribery. The man allegedly offered money in exchange for votes in his favor during the local elections, while the woman allegedly paid voters to support a specific candidate in the 2024 presidential elections, IPN reports.

According to prosecutors, the mayoral candidate allegedly offered 500 lei per vote in an attempt to win the second round of the local elections.

In the second case, during the presidential elections and referendum in the fall of last year, a woman from Florești was allegedly offering 800 lei per vote to persuade voters to support a candidate backed by a political party.

Under the law, electoral bribery is punishable by up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to 300,000 lei.

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