Elderly people spend more than half of daily time on personal care

Moldovans aged over 60 spend more than half of the daily time on personal care activities. These devote over 30% of the 24 hours to work for earning incomes, to housework and family, volunteer work and trips. The remaining 4.3 hours, which is almost 18% of the 24 hours, goes on free time, IPN reports.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, sleeping occupies the largest part of the personal care activities. On average, one person older than 60 sleeps by ten hours a day, without significant differences by sexes. Eating is the second important activity, which takes up by 1 hour and 30 minutes a day. The gender differences as regards the time spent on eating are insignificant. An elderly woman is engaged more in housework and unpaid work, while men mainly in paid work.

Women devote by 1.6 hours a day more on unpaid activities than men. The tenth part of the day, 2.8 hours a day, is devoted to reading and TV watching. For these activities, men use daily by half an hour more than women.

Statistics show the men take a more active part in the social life and recreational activities and devoted more time to computer use and hobbies than the women. As the men are engaged more in activities outside the home, they spend more time on movement during the day.

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