Eight young Moldovans win scholarships to study in Slovakia

Eight young people from the Republic of Moldova obtained scholarships to continue studies in Slovakia. Seven of these will study for a Bachelor’s Degree, while one for a Doctor’s Degree. The scholarships are provided by the Government of Slovakia, IPN reports.

Slovak Ambassador to Moldova Robert Kirnag said that this is the third year that Slovakia provides scholarships to the Moldovan young people. In 2016, the number of scholarships is by two higher than in 2015. “We offer scholarships in areas of studies that are popular on the market in Slovakia and on the international market. The possibilities of studying in Slovakia are much greater,” stated the diplomat.

The young people were chosen at a contest. During the first year, the scholars will learn the country’s language and will then study one of the areas for which the scholarships are provided: dentistry, general medicine, mechatronics, banks and finance, international relations, and architecture.

Deputy Minister of Education Vasile Marina approved of the support provided by the Government of Slovakia in ensuring academic exchange. He noted that by this academic exchange, they will be able to transfer the education model of the EU to Moldova.

According to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Lilian Darii, the investments in education are the most important ones. “I’m hopeful that all of you will want to return home to use here the knowledge and experience that you will definitely gain in Slovakia,” he said.

Catalina Dumneanu noted that she has long endeavored to win a scholarship to study abroad and hopes that this will offer her more opportunities. “I have many expectations. I chose dentistry,” she stated.

Last year, the Government of Slovakia offered six scholarships to Moldovan young people.

  • catalina dumneanu despre bursa.mp3
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