Effective absorption of Economic Growth Plan resources will ensure faster growth, consultations

If Moldova effectively assimilates the investment resources on offer, it will lead to economic growth of up to 5.3% by 2028 and lay the foundations for even faster growth thereafter. The estimates were made by Deputy Prime Minister Doina Nistor, minister of economic development and digitalization, at the public consultations on the 2025-2027 Reform Agenda of Moldova's Economic Growth Plan, IPN reports.

The official emphasized the objectives of the Plan, which are aimed at improving the business environment and boosting sustainable investment.

"All the actions that we are going to carry out will respond to the real needs of citizens and bring concrete changes in people's lives through public services accessible to all, roads, hospitals, modern schools, better conditions for entrepreneurs and a more competitive economy", said Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov.

After the European Union gave the green light to Moldova's €1.9 billion Growth Plan, public consultations are being organized in Chisinau.

The Reform Agenda of Moldova's €1.9 billion Economic Growth Plan is based on seven pillars: private sector development, connectivity and digital infrastructure, economic governance, social capital, green transition and natural capital, energy security and efficiency, fundamental values.

More than 100 representatives of civil society, business, local authorities and social partners participated in today's public consultations.

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