Three books designed to help children and adolescents protect themselves from sexual abuse were launched in Moldova by the National Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. The publications are adapted for three age categories - 5-7 years, 7-12 years and over 12 years - and provide children with essential information about safety and how to ask for help in risky situations, IPN reports.
According to the Center’s specialists, the books explain in an accessible way the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touches, good and bad secrets, as well as the ways in which children can ask for help. Parents are instructed how to maintain an open dialogue with their children.
"The idea is that these books should be read together with parents in order to develop skills that will later help children prevent various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse," said the Center’s head Daniela Simboteanu.
Twenty teenagers from Moldova and Ukraine also contributed to the creation of the books, formulating recommendations on how to make the messages easier to understand for children and young people. The books are accompanied by interactive animations to make the learning process more attractive.
The books will be distributed free of charge to the Republican Center for Psycho-pedagogical Assistance, and parents can access them online on Specialists urge adults to discuss these topics with children because education is the key to preventing abuse.