The Ministry of Education and Research plans to divide into two parts textbooks that have a large number of pages so that students’ backpacks are lighter as a result. At first, this practice will be implemented in primary and secondary schools and will be later extended to high schools, IPN reports.
According to the Ministry, the Romanian Language and Literature textbook for the twelfth grade is the largest textbook. It has 304 pages in 20x26 cm format. Of the 114 titles included in the acquisition plan by the Ministry of Education over the last two years, 38 have more than 200 pages.
“Bulky textbooks automatically increase the weight of backpacks. To solve this problem, the Ministry intends to divide into two parts the textbooks that have a large number of pages,” said the institution.
The Ministry invites students, parents, teachers and other interested persons to express their opinion on the subject by filling in a questionnaire by February 4, 2024, inclusive.