Education Code to be replaced

The Government of Moldova will formulate a new Education Code. The decision was taken by the Parliament after the Education Code that was adopted in December 2008, but has not come into force was rejected by the parliamentary coalition. The members of the Alliance for European Integration said the education system needs a document that will meet the standards. The Communist Opposition considers that they try to 'reinvent the bicycle', Info-Prim Neo reports. “The rejected Code contains many questions that must be answered in the new Education Code. The new document will include such new aspects as the role of the family, the cooperation with the nongovernmental organizations, scientific activity at universities and others,” said Minister of Education Leonid Bujor. According to the minister, the structure of the new Code was worked out by an initiative group several weeks ago. There will be created a group of experts that will coordinate the formulation of the Code. Afterward, there will be set up teams that will work on every education cycle separately – from preschool to university education. Leonid Bujor assured that the new Education Code will be drawn up during 2-3 months. It will be discussed with national and foreign experts and analyzed in all Moldova's education institutions. “On September 1, 2010, the teachers will start the new school year under new conditions, on the basis of new legislation,” the minister said. The Education Law passed in 1995 will be used until the new Education Code is adopted. Before the Education Code was rejected, Communist MP Victor Stepaniuc, former Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova, said a compromise can be reached on the given document. “A lot of work was done. The new Code will be similar to the old one, which is like the Education Codes of our neighbors. We will invent the bicycle the second time and achieve no results,” Stepaniuc said. Liberal MP Ana Gutu criticized the Education Code, saying it does not meet the international norms accepted by Moldova. “The Code does not take into account the PACE resolutions on education, promotes the centralized management of human resurrects and gives an exaggerated role to the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,” she said. The Education Code was a legislative initiative of the former President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin. The document was adopted on December 19, 2008, but was not promulgated.
  • leonid bujor despre noul cod al educatiei.mp3
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