Economic entities do not hurry to set up drugstores in villages

The restriction to place drugstores at a distance of minimum 250 meters from each other was lifted for the reason that it did not achieve its goal of motivating the economic entities based in towns, where there is a large number of pharmacies, to extend their business into villages. Elena Boleac, deputy division head at the Ministry of Health, has told Info-Prim Neo that the villages without drugstores cope as they can, with the medical workers of community medical centers working as druggists too. Many community medical centers set up areas where there are sold medicines of primary importance. The list of social drugs of primary importance, which was specified by a Health Misty order, includes 60 names. 50% of the medicines needed in rural areas are provided by the drugstores of the district family doctors centers. “Nothing changed. The opening of new drugstores is stimulated, but the economic entities have the right to decide the place and time,” stated Elena Boleac. The chairman of the Association of Druggists Veaceslav Stratu said it is hard to convince a company to set up a drugstore or another unprofitable economic unit in villages. This problem exists all over the world, including in developed countries, but they use a series of mechanisms with the support of the state there. This mechanism in our country was implemented with great difficulty by setting up drugstores at family doctors centers with branches in villages. Currently, for a large number of villagers this is the only method of getting drugs. The only solution today is to make the rural branches of the drugstores of family doctors centers to meet the legal requirements,” he stated. Veaceslav Stratu also said that the opening of drugstores in villages can be stimulated by granting state concessions in the form of financial exemptions and financial support. According to the Ministry of Health, there are 1,076 drugstores and branches in Moldova at present. In the rural areas there are 262 drugstores and branches.

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