ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST september 5-10. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN

● MONDAY, september 5

Japanese businessmen interested in Moldovan wines

The Moldovan wines are likely to reach Japan. A mission of Japanese businesspeople paid a three-day working visit to Moldova with the aim of familiarizing themselves with and promoting the Moldovan wines. One of the businessmen expressed his wish to open a restaurant with Moldovan traditional food and drinks in Tokyo in the near future. The Moldovan wines will also appear in an important guidebook of wines of the region. Makoto Endo, the representative of the Japan Wine Importers’ Association, who runs a number of restaurants and wine bars and is the co-author of Japan Winery Guide, Basic Glossary of Essential Wine Words, and Wine Dictionary, said the Moldovan wines have a fantastic aroma, similar to the aroma of the wines of the New World. On the other hand, their taste is like that of the wines of the Old World, as those of France for example. Thus, the Moldovan wines combine two styles from different worlds and these elements offer very good export prospects.

Number of users of fixed high-speed Internet access services close to 53%

The number of subscribers to fixed high-speed Internet access services so far this year rose to almost 53% of the total. Most of these are connected to the Internet through fiber optic technology that ensure high access and data transfer speeds, the national ICT regulator (ANRCETI) has said. According to Agency, by June inclusive, the number of subscribers to the Internet through fiber optic rose by over 12,000 (+4.2%) compared with the end of 2015 to 301,300. The subscribers to the Internet based on xDSL technology decreased in number by 2,100 (-1.1%) to about 201,300, while of those connected through coaxial cable declined by 1,900 (-5%) to 37,400.

Attempt to smuggle old coins

Coins dating from 1700 – 1990 were discovered in the cargo baggage of a Ukrainian national who tried to fly from Chisinau to Dublin. The 45-year-old man was placed under arrest for 72 hours. A criminal case was started against him over smuggling. The over 200 old coins were found when scanning the baggage of the flight’s passengers. Their value hasn’t been yet determined. In accordance with the procedures, the coins were seized and transmitted to the National Museum of History of Moldova for examination.

● TUESDAY, september 6

Gasoline and diesel fuel price ceilings increased again

After the National Agency for Energy Regulation two weeks ago announced higher price ceilings for gasoline and diesel fuel, on September 6 it raised them agai. Thus, the price ceiling for a liter of gasoline coded 95 during the next two weeks will be 16.19 lei, up from  15.99 lei, while for a liter of diesel fuel – 13.92 lei, up from 13.82 lei. The price ceilings announced today will be used between September 7 and September 20.

Training can increase quality of public procurement, experts

The limited competition at public procurement contests is an effect of the limited participation by business entities in these and of the inefficient allocation of public money. Eight local public authorities, monitored by the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” for producing a report on government procurement, in the completed questionnaires noted that they had to annul public procurement procedures owing to the lack of competition. Each of these annulled 3 to 19 procedures during the last two years. The participants in an online debate staged by “Viitorul” and Radio Free Europe said the limited participation by business entities in public procurement contests is due to the insufficient informing about the planned contests and to the lack of knowledge about public procurement among possible bidders. Among the reasons for the annulment of such contests is the presentation of incomplete bids by economic operators.

Chisinau to host “Moldova Business Week” Forum

The Forum “Moldova Business Week” this year will take place on October 4-7. The organizers of the event aim to develop partnerships between national and foreign companies, to increase national companies’ competitiveness and to attract new foreign investments to the national economy. In a press release, the Ministry of Economy “Moldova Business Week” enables the representatives of the business community and to discuss different plans and trends in the investment area, to inform the potential investors about the benefits enjoyed when starting and developing a business in the Republic of Moldova based on a single information platform.


● WEDNESDAY, september 7

Irregularities at building site of Chisinau-Ungheni road

The business entities Evrascon of Azerbaijan and OHL ZS of the Czech Republic, which were chosen to repair the Chisinau – Ungheni road, face fines of €1,000 a day if they do not remove the irregularities identified on the building site as a result of an inspection carried out by Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure Vitalie Rapcea. The irregularities are related to the rolling area, holes that must be stopped up, transitions from the new asphalt to the old one that must be smooth and safety arrangements when executing repair works. The companies have two weeks to remove them or will be then fined.

National Wine Day returns to Great National Assembly Square

The 15th National Wine Day entitled “Man is the Soul of Wine” will be held in the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau, as earlier, on October 1-2. The holiday will be held under the common country brand name “Wine of Moldova. Living Legend” and will aim to discover legends about the Moldovan wine and century-old winemaking traditions. The visitors will be able to taste over 400 wines and to eat traditional food. More than 40 large and small winemakers and cognac factories will come together under a common brand to present products of a high quality.

Runway of Chisinau International Airport under repair

A segment of the runway of the Chisinau International Airport that is 1 km long is being reconstructed and extended. In a press release, “Avia Invest”, the company that administers the airport based on a lease, says the works do not affect the flights and do not restrict air traffic. The process of reconstructing the runway is complex and takes place in stages. It included massive works to demolish the old airstrip and embankment and soil stabilization works. Dry concrete is now laid and the upper layer will be then built from high-quality concrete.

● THURSDAY, september 8

NAER to set price ceiling for liquefied petroleum gas as well

The Cabinet approved changes to the Law on Oil Products Market by which it empowered the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) to set the price ceiling for the liquefied petroleum gas every two weeks, depending on the international quotations. The bill is to be passed by Parliament. “The amendments proposed by the Cabinet will have immediate effects on the consumers and on the business environment by limiting the abusive practices used to set the prices of liquefied petroleum gas, simultaneously with the removal of the shortcomings existing in the competition sector,” it is said in the informative note to the bill.

Premier discusses danger of swine fever with NFSA specialists

Specialists of the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA) and the responsible border bodies are to take measures to prevent the introduction of the African swine fever into the country. The subject was discussed during a visit made by Prime Minister Pavel Filip to the Agency on September 8. The Premier said there is an increased risk of infection with swine fever in Moldova given that the last 19 cases of infection in Ukraine were reported close to the border with Moldova. Therefore, it is important to inform the people who breed pigs so that they know what protection measures they should take in case of suspected infection.

SATURDAY, september 10

“Termoelectrica” seeks almost 30% rise in heat tariff 

The National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) initiated the procedure for examining the application of the heat and power supplier SA “Termoelectrica” to approve new electric power and heat tariffs and the related calculations. According to the Agency, “Termoelectrica” asks for a 12.3% rise in the electricity production tariff, up to 179.51 bani/kWh and for a 27.4% increase in the tariff of heat supplied to consumers, up to 1,257.38 lei/Gcal. The company argues that the power and heart production and supply costs increased significantly since the last tariff adjustment of October 2011.

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