ECHR will announce another four decisions on case trials against Republic of Moldova
European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) will announce on Tuesday, November 13, another four decision on case trials against the Moldovan Government.
In the case trial “Cebotari vs Moldova”, Mihai Cebotari – ex-director of “Moldtranselectro” – was arrested by Moldovan police forces in 2006 and declared suspect of certain criminal activities, including funds abduction. Mihai Cebotari affirms a violation of art. 5 (right to freedom and security), art. 18 (limited use of right restraints) and other stipulations of the European Convention for Human Rights.
In another three cases (“Dolneanu vs Moldova”, “Becciu vs Moldova” and “Gusovschi vs Moldova”) the Government is accused of violating the right to private property and to an equitable process.
The Moldovan Government was accused for human rights violations in about 100 case trials examined by ECHR, being subject to a damage fine of 1.8 million euros (about 30 million lei). Another 1000 applications are still waiting to be examined by the Court, fact which, according to some experts, represents the highest number of applications per inhabitant.