Ecaterina Raileanu and Chiril Balic become target shooting champions

A new National Target Shooting Championship was held at the Dinamo shooting grounds last weekend. By three women and three men took part in the air gun event for seniors. Chiril Balic from Tiraspol and Ecaterina Raileanu from Chisinau became champions, IPN reports.

Balic, 27, scored 567 points and outstripped Nichita Moldovan, who got 549 points.

The National Target Shooting Championship involved 41 athletes, 11 of whom seniors. “Regrettably, the seniors leave us. Some of the athletes devote themselves to studies, while others go to live abroad. However, I’m glad that there are young people who want to distinguish themselves,” vice president of the Moldovan Target Shooting Federation Oleg Moldovan has told IPN.

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