Dwellers from 13/1 and 13/2 Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd make call to municipal councilors

The people who live in the apartment buildings located at 13/1 and 13/2 Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd in Chisinau and their lawyers said that it is attempted to implement new methods to make the construction erected nearby legal. According to them, at the request of the building company, the urban design codes are to be amended in the Chisinau Municipal Council, contrary to the legal provisions, including to the previous CMC decision. The dwellers call on the municipal councilors to hear them and not to commit illegalities.

In a news conference at IPN, lawyer Gheorghe Macovei said this problem has persisted for a year. It started when the dwellers living at the two addresses saw the delimitation fence removed and learned about the intention to build a residential complex nearby. Lawsuits were filed to have the documents checked in court and a series of illegalities were identified. The three 25-story apartment buildings are to be erected on an area on which the law bans erecting multistory blocks. Two of the three blocks are satiated next to a filling station where there are gas cylinders.

Gheorghe Macovei noted the dwellers managed to prove in court that multiple deviations were committed in the process of issuing permissive documents. The court of law ruled in favor of the dwellers. The building permit and urbanism certificate were annulled, these being declared illegal. There is information that representatives of the building company found a solution by which all the illegalities identified during a year by the court and by the expert bodies will be justified by restoring the rights of alleged investors. More exactly, they will try to change the purpose of the area through the CMC and, as a result, the construction of the three multistory blocks will be allowed.

Dweller Denis Dobrioglu addressed the representatives of the CMC, asking the councilors who they represent - those who gave them a vote of confidence or building companies that started illegal building sites? “Why are our interests permanently violated? Why don’t we have the right to decent living conditions in the own city ensured? Why is the company allowed to build what and where it wants, regardless of the situation and of the permissive documents? And it violates all the norms. The court annulled the building permit and urbanism certificate, but the company anyway goes on and intends to change the purpose of the area,” stated Denis Dobrioglu.

Lawyer Artur Macovei said the whole Chisinau in 2008 was divided into functional zones, being decided on what lots constructions can be erected. For the purpose, the CMC approved a decision by which a view on the development of the municipality of Chisinau was agreed. As a result, there were approved the Local Urbanism Regulations of Chisinau. On the area where the residential complex is to be erected, only commercial areas to serve the people living nearby can be built. But the company went to the CMC and asked that the urban design codes should be modified so that their illegality could be legalized. Based on those regulations, a procedure by which this can be done was agreed. The applicant is to go to the General Architecture, Urbanism and Land Relations Division and, after a new map is drawn up, public consultations will be held to learn the opinion of the people living nearby, who must be mandatorily consulted.

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