Drawing & photo contest for children

Moldovan students are invited to attend a contest of drawing and photography themed “Moldova's nature as seen by children”. The contest is organized by the Environment Ministry in cooperation with the Reintegration Ministry, Info-Prim Neo reports. Ion Apostol, a deputy minister for ecology, says the children from the Transnistrian area are also welcome. According to the contest regulation, the participants will be divided into three groupings: the primary school (1-4 grades), the gymnasium (5-9 classes) and the high school (10-12 classes). The awarded works will be exhibited in the Ethnography and Natural History Museum from October through December, 2009. More information can be found on the Environment Ministry site www.mediu.gov.md. The application shall be lodged with the Ministry from November 14 to September 15, 2009. The winners will get their prizes on October 15, 2009.

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