Draft law to amend Constitution: limitations on right to pardon

Non-affiliated MP Vasile Bolea, who is close to Ilan Shor, presented a legislative initiative to amend Article 88 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, regarding the President’s pardon powers. The proposed amendment introduces limitations in the exercise of this right, eliminating the possibility of a subjective approach in pardoning decisions, the parliamentarian said at a news conference, quoted by IPN.

"The head of state’s right to individual pardoning will be realized only within the limits and conditions provided by law. Here, there should be no dose of subjectivism when the President of the country applies this instrument of individual pardoning," said the MP.

At the same time, the legislative initiative proposes to amend the Criminal Code. More precisely, persons who committed exceptionally serious crimes, for which life imprisonment is given in Moldova, cannot be pardoned.

Also, people who were convicted of drug-related crimes and any crime committed against minors could not be pardoned.

Vasile Bolea called on all the MPs, regardless of their political affiliation, to support this draft law to amend the Constitution.

Under the law, a bill to amend the Constitution needs the signature of at least 34 MPs to be put forward.

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