Draft Code of Ethics for MPs discussed at international roundtable meeting

The draft Code of Ethics and Conduct for the MPs of Moldova was debated in an international roundtable meeting. Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu said the legislature plays an important role in fighting corruption, especially through legislative mechanisms, and the fight against this scourge is impossible in the absence of a body of MPs of integrity, who respect a set of norms of conduct. The event also involved current and former members of European Parliaments, representatives of the development partners and experts, IPN reports.

“The Code of Ethics offers a good legal framework for fighting corruption. The document represents not only a set of behavioral rules for MPs during parliamentary sessions, but also rules of ethics for avoiding conflicts of interest, which specify when and how the presents, commitments and invitations should be rejected. There is also instituted the post of ethics commissioner,” stated the Speaker.

Narine Sahakyan, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Moldova, said the draft code forms part of the reforms aimed at adjusting the national legislation to the EU standards and practices and offers mechanisms for strengthening democracy.

The head of the legal commission for appointments and immunities Raisa Apolschii voiced hope that the observance by the MPs of the code of ethics will increase the people’s confidence in Parliament. The document will make the MPs more responsible and will cultivate their critical spirit and the values of a transparent and democratic Parliament.

The draft Code of Ethics and Conduct for the MPs of Moldova, which was registered on April 4, defines a set of behavioral rules and penalties and institutes the post of ethics commissioner. It is to be discussed within the legal commission for apartments and immunities and will be afterward debated in Parliament.

The roundtable meeting was staged in cooperation with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights with support from UNDP within the Project “Improving the Quality of Moldovan Democracy through Parliamentary and Electoral Support” that is implemented with the financial support of Sweden.

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