Dormition Fast has started

The Orthodox Church traditionally observes a period of fasting prior to the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - one of the four great fasts that are part of the church year. The Dormition Fast is also called Our Lady|s Fast or the Assumption Fast. It begins on August 14 and ends on August 28, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Eastern churches teach that Mary died a natural death, like any human being; that her soul was received by Christ upon death; and that her body was resurrected on the third day after her repose, at which time she was taken up, bodily only, into heaven. Her tomb was found empty on the third day. The Dormition Fast is short, but is stricter than either the Nativity Fast (Advent) or the Apostles| Fast, except Great Lent. One should fast on all days from the usual non-lenten foods, such as all animal products (meat, poultry, milk, cheese, etc.) and olive oil and wine. In addition, one also traditionally abstains from fish on all days of the fast, including weekends, except for the feast of the Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, when fasting may be eased by having fish, wine and olive oil.

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