Dorin Recean about reforms and corruption at Ministry of Interior

Minister of the Interior Dorin Recean said the reforms initiated at the Ministry of the Interior are implemented successfully, but the system is still affected by corruption. He made such statements in the program “Public eye” on Noroc TV channel, IPN reports.

“Most of the police officers work a lot, risk and sacrifice their lives. But there are also policemen who take bribe and we have yet a lot to do to remove them from the system,” stated the minister.

Dorin Recean considers that the launched police reform represents a success and is appreciated by the people. “For us, the people’s appraisal is important. In 2009, polls showed that 24% of the population trusted the police. Now this figure stands at 36%. Also, over 70% of those who sought assistance from the police directly have confidence in the police system,” he stated.

The minister believes that one of his greatest accomplishments is the elimination of the political influence that was exerted on the police. “As a result of the reform, we separated politics from the police activity. I was criticized and attacked from different parts, but I remained firm on my positions. Criminal authorities tried to influence me through political bodies. They wanted to control the situation, but didn’t manage to,” he said.

Dorin Recean noted that they didn’t remove the police officers who, during the Communist government, fulfilled the orders of the then administration. “We appreciate the efficiency and integrity of the people. If the person is successful in fighting crime and does not take bribe, we will not dismiss such persons. The political beliefs of the police officers do not interest us,” he stated.

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