A campaign for collecting books for orphans is organised this month in Moldova. Public national and international organisations, diplomatic missions accredited in Chisinau and all the persons are asked to improve the life of the children living in the boarding schools, by donating books. The action “Donate a book to the orphans” was initiated by the Centre for Children Rights in Moldova (CCRM), Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the consultant of the CCRM, Irina Codrean, the children from the boarding schools are deprived not only of parental love, but also of indispensable stuff, including books. In order to enrich their spiritual world, CCRM started this campaign, being welcome any books for children, such as the books with fairytales, fiction, textbooks etc.
Those who are willing to donate books are invited at CCRM, located in Chisinau, Sfatul Tarii Street, 61, office 15.
The campaign will run till May 31, 2007, and on the International Children Day, CCRM will send the collected books to the orphans.