Dog shelter to be built by year's end

After a decision to sterilize stray dogs and a more controversial decision to put them to sleep if they remain unclaimed, the Chisinau authorities are making another attempt to solve the problem of the homeless animals by reviving an older proposal to build a dog shelter, Info-Prim Neo reports. Under a draft decision adopted Friday by the City Council, a plot of land is given under the administration of the Sanitation Division for the shelter. It will be located on Balcani Street and will be able to accommodate 1,000 dogs. A veterinary facility will be also build to assist the shelter. Deputy Mayor Nistor Grozavu said the project would be implemented with support from the nongovernmental sector. The animal rights organizations were urged to seek foreign financial assistance in addition to the contribution sought from domestic sponsors. “Many foreign organizations have already responded to our appeal”, says Valentina Dudnic, the chairwoman of the animal rights organization Alga. She said an organization form Great Britain was ready to donate equipment for dog sterilization and a German organization promised to contribute financially to building the shelter. The dog shelter is supposed to be constructed by the end of the year.

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