Dodon accuses Chirtoaca of victim playing
Igor Dodon, the Communist candidate in Chisinau's mayoral race, is denying the allegations made by incumbent Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca that the Communist Party is behind the disparaging leaflets and posters against the latter that appeared lately in the city.
“As expected, Dorin Chirtoaca has again assumed his traditional role, that of playing the victim. And the message of the Liberal nephew (reference to Chirtoaca's relationship to Liberal leader Mihai Ghimpu) has not changed from that circulated 4 or 5 years ago: a dogmatized, anticommunist and Unionist (reference to the supporters of the Union with Romania) message. I have the impression that Dorin Chirtoaca enjoys being targeted by all sorts of negative campaigns, which offer him the opportunity to indulge in self-victimization and distract the public attention from Chisinau's real problems”, Igor Dodon replied in a press release.
“We are familiar with this perfidious tactic of Chirtoaca to practice self-victimization, to deplore his situation and always blame others; this is why we decided from the very beginning to avoid making accusations and negative campaigning against him. As I have stated on numerous occasions, it is my rivals in this race that are the problems of Chisinau, and I'm offering concrete solutions, not demagoguery”, declared Dodon.