Doctors warn about dangers posed by abundant meals on Easter

In connection with the Easter holidays, specialists of the Chisinau Public Health Center warn about the negative consequences of the exaggerated consumption of food rich in fats. One can develop indigestion, pancreatitis, gastroenteritis and other diseases.

For not experiencing health problems and avoiding indigestion caused by copious meals during the Easter holidays, nutritionists recommend substituting meat coquettes with grill meat and choosing vegetal sauces for salads instead of mayonnaise.

To reduce the effect of fats, vegetables should be eaten at any meal. It is important to respect the alimentation regime with intervals of at least three hours between meals.

A simple remedy for avoiding indigestion after eating boiled eggs is to drink tea with a teaspoon of apple vinegar and acacia honey, including herb tea. Walking aids digestion.

In case of indigestion with such symptoms as nausea, stomachache, diarrhea or constipation, one should consume such liquids as vegetable soups and plant and herb teas and infusion from flax seeds.

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