Doctors in Tiraspol remove first thyroid gland tumor

The doctors in Tiraspol managed to successfully remove a malignant thyroid gland tumor. The woman patient is now out of danger. The surgery is a premiere for the Transnistrian region, IPN reports, quoting the local press.

Oncologist doctor Gennady Karademitrov said the patient diagnosed with thyroid cancer risked dying from asphyxiation. This was a rare case that required immediate surgery. The simple removal of the tumor wouldn’t have produced results and it was thus decided to remove a part of the trachea. Now the woman breathes without the aid of apparatus, but needs yet treatment for rehabilitation.

According to the doctor, the surgery is a significant accomplishment of the Transnistrian health system, which should tend to ensure health services in the region so that the patients do not have to go abroad to receive the necessary treatment.

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