Disastrous start for Moldova's footsal champion

Moldova's footsal champion Tornado Chisinau had a shameful start in the major UEFA Cup tournament. It was demolished by Italian champions Luparense Calcio A5 by 10-0, Info-Prim Neo reports. Maquiel scored three goals, Mauro Canal, Humberto Honorio and Arceni Junior Barboza by two goals, while Poncio Danieli one goal. Tornado coach Serghei Turcan used the following players: Alexei Capsamun, Dorin Coceban, Ian Iacovenco, Valeriu Baiesu, Iaroslav Subotin, Oleg Istrati, Vasile Arlet, Maxim Andronic, Vitalie Rotaru, Denis Coicev, Ivan Caraman and Vladimir Japalau. In the other match, the host of the mini-tournament, Hungary's MVFC Berettyóújfalu, was beaten by FC Taim Lvov Ukraine by 0-6. The next fixtures will take place on October 2. Tornado meets Berettyóújfalu, while Time Lviv faces Luparense, Info-Prim Neo informs.

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