Disappointment in love and financial problems - most common suicide causes

A 21-year-old man cut his veins open after he had a quarrel in the family. He wasn't under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He was rushed to the hospital in a serious condition, Maria Shamatailo, coordinating doctor at the Chisinau Ambulance Service, has told Info-Prim Neo. Psychologists say there are three types of persons with suicidal tendencies. Those who do not want to kill themselves, but want to attract attention usually choose to take pills as they hope they will be found on time and rescued. The second group includes persons who try to commit suicide during a serious crisis without planning it beforehand. The suicide is a gesture of despair for them. The third type of persons plan their death in detail as they are determined to succeed. Most of the times, they choose violent methods so that they could not be saved. According to psychologists, the family problems, the disappointment in love and the financial problems are the most common suicide causes. Another frequent cause is the incurable diseases. The elderly persons decide to kill themselves when they feel lonely and useless. On Wednesday, April 21, the Chisinau ambulances traveled to 683 addresses, dealing with 53 cases of acute viral infection, 11 cases of pneumonia, 36 cases of trauma, seven strokes, three heart attacks, 26 deliveries, etc.

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