Disabled children invited to festival

Children and youth with disabilities are expected to their first festival that will take place at Dendrarium Park in Chisinau on October 3 . The event is held under the aegis of Moldovan stars, who participated in a national charity tour in summer. 26,000 lei was collected during 20 concerts given all over the country. The money will be used to transport the disabled children to the festival, Info-Prim Neo reports. “These children are the responsibility of the whole society. We must try to do something nice for them. I'm glad that there are people who care about the disabled children and make effort to improve their lives,” singer Serj Cuzencov told a news conference on Wednesday. “We expect everyone to this festival on Saturday. We must be near them and communicate with them so that they feel they are alive and are happy,” said singer Olga Fesenco, who has recently changed her stage name from Alexa into Karizma. One of the participants in the festival, Martin, who lives in a chidlren's homes in Orhei, confessed that he has practiced a lot as he wants to have a good performance. “At a contest last year, I sang a folk song. I did well. I have a good voice. At the festival, I will perform the song “Rain” composed by Briana. We will sing it together,” the young man said. Norwegian singer Tanita was invited to the festival in Moldova. “It's a pleasure for me to help the Moldovan children with disabilities. As I,' m also disabled (the singer is blind - e.n.), I want very much to take part in the festival and sing alongside them,” she said. Singer Greta Svensen from Norway is the guest of the festival. She said she wants to sing together these children and communicate with them through music. The festival is organized by Another Smiling Face (ASF) and Vita Association. For the ASF, this festival is the result of the charity project “You Can Also Give a Smile”, which was launched in cooperation with Sens Music.
  • martin despre participarea la festival.mp3
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