“Diplomatia pe Note” invites to concert

The “Diplomatia pe Note” Project invites music lovers, on July 15, to another open air symphonic concert, organized by the German Embassy to Moldova and the National Philharmonic “Serghei Lunchevici”. The event marks the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Germany and Moldova, reports Info-Prim Neo. According to Jana Tudose, program coordinator, only local artists will participate in the concert: “Orchestra Simfonica” conducted by Mihai Agafita; “Corul Naţional de Cameră” led by Ilona Stepan; Vasile and Valentina Rusu on accordion and violin. The highlight of the evening will be violinist Mihaela Agafita, who has recently won the main prize in a contest in Romania. In case of rain, the concert will take place at the National Philharmonic. Svetlana Bivol, general manager of the National Philharmonic, says that the concert has a different theme every year, and soloists and musical pieces also change. “This year’s choice is popular music, something accessible, to include German world-wide known music, but also music from our composers, such as Eugen Doga, Gheorghe Mustea, and Constatin Rusnac”, mentioned Svetlana Bivol in a press conference. “We are happy that this beautiful concert gained momentum, since everyone has gotten used to it; we have been getting calls since the beginning of the summer, asking questions about the concert’s organization. People cannot go on without it, just as they couldn’t go on without “Martisor”. Evidently, the usual audience is the intellectuals, but some youth come to listen to classical music as well”, said the head of the Philharmonic. Representative of the German Embassy in Chisinau Carsten Wilms mentioned that the entrance to the concert will be free, thanks to the sponsor, who is a German funded firm. “This contribution proves Germany’s interest in Moldova’s national culture. Throughout the years Germany has been a fervent supporter of the Moldovan culture, having organized, together with the National Philharmonic, the Christmas concert”, said the German diplomat. The first “Diplomatia pe Note” concert took place in 2001. Ever since, the concert takes place on a mid-July Sunday. On July 15 the concert will start at 7:30pm.

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