The head of the Administration Council of SA Termocom, Dionisie Antocel states that the chairmen of the Flat Owners Associations (APLP), who do not want to re-establish hot water deliveries, are to blame for the big financial losses supported by the hot water supplier, SA Termocom. On the other hand, the experts and the economic analysts say the water tariffs are exaggerated.
Dionisie Antocel insists upon changing the APLP statute, so the chairmen of this structure could be dismissed not only by the inhabitants of the blocks, but also by the local public administration. Antocel doubts the fact that the chairmen are elected by the flat owners, as they should, declaring at the operative meeting from the Mayoralty they are „impostors” and hold their positions “illegally”.
According to the chief of the Department of Communal Services, Mihai Solcan, at the moment 1582 blocks benefit of hot water and nearly 800 blocks are not connected to the delivery network. Solcan, supported by the interim-Mayor, Vasile Ursu, declared that the block administrators are against re-establishing deliveries of hot water, while the citizens support such an initiative.
On this occasion, Vasile Ursu revealed calculations according to which normative costs of 30 lei per moth for hot water in the case of apartments without a water-counting device is more reasonable comparing to a 20 lei fee for a single visit to the bathing house. Ursu also declared hot water could cost cheaper if it would be used by more consumers. At the moment, according to the interim-mayor, the losses constitute 30 % of the hot water price. ‘If more persons will receive hot water, the losses would be smaller and, in consequence, the cost would be lower, said Ursu.
Dionise Antocel, added that the losses of SA Termocam in the last year, namely on hot water amounted to more than 13 million lei. The losses, according to Antocel were generated by the unchanged tariffs during several years and because of the APLP chairmen’s refusal to restart hot water deliveries.
The economic analyst Veacesla Ionta declared for Info-Prim Neo that the citizen’s refusals to use hot water is caused by the fact the present price is an administrative one, economically unjustified. Because of this, the economic analyst states, a tone of water heated by boilers is cheaper then the water from the centralized system. This situation can not be justified, says Ionita, if we take into consideration the fact that the hot water is an auxiliary product of the power plants, that use water for cooling in order to work properly. “The product of the power plants does not exceed 62 Celsius degrees and coming through the system it cools supplementary, so the citizens of Chisinau pay big of money for a bad quality product” says Veaceslav Ionita. He states that SA termocom needs an urgent remodelling and the prices for hot water must be fixed only on economical calculations basis and avoiding the involvement of the political factor.
At the moment, for one cube metre of hot water, according to Infocom, consumers pay 8.39 lei.