Differing opinions about no-confidence motion against Government

The no-confidence motion makes the rulers more responsible, even if these are not passed, said Socialist MP Vasile Bolea. Democratic MP Sergiu Sarbu and unaffiliated MP Valeriu Giletski denied yet such an assertion. Contradictory statements on the issue were made in the talk show “Reply” on Prime TV channel, IPN reports.

“The no-confidence motions that we proposed had effects even if they didn’t garner the necessary number of votes. Ruxanda Glavan was reprimanded. Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega was criticized. A deputy minister of defense was dismissed. We noticed that after each no-confidence motion, Pavel Filip makes his inferiors to work more. It is now the Premier’s turn to come to Parliament. When there is a protracted crisis, the only solution is to change the government. This thing is wanted by the people,” stated Vasile Bolea.

Sergiu Sarbu said the no-confidence motion does not have influence on the Government. “We judge things by other documents: the Association Agreement with the EU, the roadmap and the government program. We do not have a constructive opposition, which would propose solutions. Coming to power is their only objective. They aim to destabilize the political situation,” he stated.

Valeriu Giletski said the no-confidence motion submitted by the Socialists against the Government is not justified. “I do not see reasons for this Government to be dismissed. The removal of the Government would deepen the political crisis,” he noted.

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