Diesel fuel prices up 2 lei, gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas up 1 leu since September

Since the start of autumn, fuel prices have followed an upward trend. A liter of gasoline “95” grew by 1.20 lei more expensive, while a liter of diesel fuel – by over 2 lei. The price of liquefied petroleum gas is now by 1 leu higher than at the beginning of September, IPN reports.

At the start of September, a liter of gasoline “95” cost 20.23 lei, while for October 16-18, the National Agency for Energy Regulation set a price ceiling of 21.45 lei. A liter of gasoline cost 16.42 lei at the start autumn, while for the next three days the price is 18.46 lei/liter.

The Agency does not set ceilings for the price of liquefied petroleum gas, which also grew more expensive. At the start of September, a liter of liquefied petroleum gas was sold for 12.07 lei, as opposed to 13.15 lei at present.

In a press release, NAER said the higher prices stem from the tendencies witnessed on the international market amid the continuous rise in the global demand for oil and oil derivatives. The prices of gasoline and diesel fuel reached a record high for the last few years on the international market.

Under the changes made by the Agency to the methodology for calculating and applying the prices of oil products, the business entities will be obliged to report the retail prices of all the oil products for the next day to the Agency. The information will be presented on each workday, for each filling station, until 4pm, through the agency of an electronic platform. The Agency undertook to provide a technical solution to ensure the functionality of such a platform within three months.

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