Diaspora Days start

The Diaspora Days have started, commencing with the 8th edition of the Diaspora Congress, which meets once every two years. The event, that took place on Friday, August 17, at the Republican Palace, has gathered over one hundred Moldovan citizens who reside abroad, as well as representatives of state authorities, IPN reports.

At the start of the event, Minister for Education, Culture, and Research Monica Babuc has stated that the authorities haven’t stopped hoping that those living outside the country will return home, to share their experience and fresh forces from abroad, thus contributing to the development of a democratic state. The Minister added that certain groups’ spread of negativity, depicting Moldova as a black hole, doesn’t lead to anything good. What is needed, in fact, is solidarity, constructivity, etc.

Mihai Căpățână, State Secretary at the Ministry of External Affairs and European Integration, mentioned that any amount of efforts on behalf of the authorities will not be sufficient to bring Moldovan citizens back home. Many have decided to leave, having been forced by individual circumstances, and the decision was theirs to make. However, says the functionary, international professional experience is very important for Moldova, and many important things can be achieved with the help of the diaspora.

Valentina Gemănă, leader of the “Prezicere divină” (Divine Prophesy) Association from Ciuciuleni, Hâncești district, who has returned from Italy, stated that the country need its foreign-settled residents. The woman says that 11 years ago she had managed to obtain funding from Italy for her first social project for Moldova. That was followed by a series of other projects – for the elderly, orphans, disabled persons, women who were physically abused, inmates, schools in decrepit states, etc.

Elena Bulhac, president of the “Kursk Moldovan Community” cultural Center in Russia, said that the diaspora faces several problems. One of them is lack of general consular missions, although these had been promised for other cities besides Moscow since long ago. People spend a lot of money on transportation if they go to the Moscow consulate, plus extra for lodging if they don’t solve their problems in one day.

Andrei Negruță, diaspora representative from Germany, said he left the country in 1992. Until 2012, he lived in Russia, after which he moved to Germany. The man said the lives of those in the diaspora depends directly on the position and actions of authorities within the country. If the authorities really want to return the people who have left, they must raise living standards, to ensure a minimum social package similar to what is available abroad; otherwise, no one will ever return.

The Diaspora Days are organized by the Diaspora Relations Bureau. On August 18, the Diaspora Arena Soccer Cup will take place. On August 19, the Governmental program DOR Diasporă*Origini*Reveniri (Diaspora*Origins*Homecoming), organized for local and diaspora youth and children, will commence. The program will take place until August 28.

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