Details about vandalizing of head offices of MAE, AMN and PL will be given tomorrow

“Detailed information about the vandalizing of the head offices of the European Action Movement (MAE), the Liberal Party (PL) and the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) will be provided on Tuesday, January 12,” the head of the Interior Ministry's Information and Public Relations Division Chiril Motpan has told Info-Prim Neo. Details will be given by Minister of the Interior Victor Catan at a news conference themed “100 days in office”. Chiril Motpan said an investigation is under way, but no information can be made public yet. It is known that a person suspected of vandalizing the head office of the AMN was detained. According to the police, the young man said he was a member of the Komsomol (Communist youth organization) and that he took the flag from the AMN's head office as a souvenir. The flag was situated at a height of over two meters. According to a communique from the MAE, unidentified persons damaged the flags of the party and of the EU hoisted in front of the MAE's head office in Chisinau. The MAE's flags were also vandalized in November last year. The party protests against such acts of vandalism that do credit to no one, regardless of their political orientation. In a communique, the PL's press service says its head office located at 87 Bucuresti St in Chisinau was the target of a new attack by extremists, who tore that flags of Moldova, the EU and PL and stole the pedestal on which the flags rested. This is the third case of vandalism at the PL during a year. The first two happened during the election campaigns for the 2009 parliamentary elections. The PL condemns the acts of vandalism and asks the competent bodies to investigate the case.

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