Depression is leading cause of disability worldwide

Professional stress, labor-life conflicts, harassment and violence persist and cause abnormally high social costs. Consequently, in case of depression, which is a leading cause of disease and disability worldwide, those who suffer from it or other mental disorders can feel unable to work or become less productive. The National Public Health Center said statistics show that one in four adults suffers from particular problems associated with mental health. Simultaneously, one in five employees experiences improper states of the mental health at the workplace, IPN reports.

In connection with World Mental Health Day that is annually celebrated on October 10, specialists warn that the heavy workloads and high complexity of the work, pressure of time and inequitable remuneration, low satisfaction with the job and other factors that generate depression determine the nonproductive presence or absence of the employee from work.

A series of mental health problems can appear in a deficient working environment, such as the burnout syndrome. Depression and anxiety globally produce labor productivity costs of US$1 trillion. Harassment and brutalization at work are often reported and have a major impact on the mental health of employees.

European statistics show that 10% of employees are absent from work because of depression and each episode of depression, accompanied by difficulty in concentrating, taking decisions and memorizing, leads to the loss of 36 workdays on average.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, there are about 60,000 people with mental health problems in Moldova. Of them, approximately 28,000 have a disability degree. Moldova has 182 psychiatrists, which is five such specialists per 100,000 people. There are 36 Mental Health Community Centers in the country, five of which are municipal.

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