Democratic Party to propose attitude bill on currency market crisis
The Democratic Party from Moldova (PDM) has drafted and plans to set for debate an attitude bill as to the crisis situation on the currency market, at the first sitting of the fall-winter session of the Parliament. The party leader, Dumitru Diacov, will also ask to dismiss the Governor of the National Bank, he said at a news conference on Monday.
Diacov accuses the Central Bank of Moldova of promoting a monetary policy leading to impoverishing the population and to bankrupting the local producers.
“The Moldovan businessmen are in great difficulty because of the depreciation of the foreign currency, having to announce their bankruptcy till the end of the year,” Dumitru Diacov stated.
The bill's authors ask the Government and the Central Bank to urgently take measures to counter the inflation in the interest of the local producers and to curtail the rise of prices of first-need products.
The Democratic leader, the Government and the Central Bank are summoned to develop measures meant to discourage the entrance of speculative capital from abroad on the local market, within 30 days.
According to the bill, in addition to the demand to dismiss C-Bank's Governor Leonid Talmaci, the PDM asks the Economy Minister Igor Dodon to clear out the causes of the crisis in the national economy and strengthen his team with competent specialists.
Diacov argues the need to dismiss Leonid Talmaci by the fact that he subordinates to the Government. “He's a tool of the Government seeking for cheap money, money obtained from the people working abroad and exchange currency on the Moldovan market,” Dumitru Diacov said.
According to the parliamentarian, the National Bank should have a more flexible position and should avoid the danger of turning Moldova to a country living only on remittances.
15 votes are necessary to set up a attitude bill in the Parliament, the PDM's draft has been already signed by 11 MPs.