Democratic Party seeks impeachment of President Dodon

The Democratic Party demands that President Igor Dodon should be impeached owing to his statements and behavior. In a news conference, the party’s vice president Andrian Candu said that in the discussions with the Democrats, Igor Dodon put forward a number of conditions and Moldova’s federalization was the most serious of these. This is serious because it means betrayal of the country and the PDM could not accept such conditions. The Democrats will yet mount protests, IPN reports.

Andrian Candu said Igor Dodon visited the PDM’s head office for several times on June 7 and had discussions with the Democratic leader Vlad Plahotniuc there. He showed a document that contains a series of conditions imposed by President Dodon from forming a government coalition with the Democrats. According to him, President Dodon and the Socialists asked to be offered a number of ministries and requested to reform the local public administration so that the suburban communities do not take part in the local elections in Chisinau. They also asked to restore the retransmission of Russian TV channels in Moldova.

The Democratic heavyweight noted the Socialists and the President make effort to persuade the MPs of the Political Bloc ACUM to form a parliamentary majority so that they could implement the conditions imposed in the discussions between Igor Dodon and the Democratic leader, which the latter didn’t accept. The President is obliged to dissolve the legislature so that snap parliamentary elections could be held in autumn for the people to be able to choose responsible politicians as MPs in these. By his actions, Igor Dodon betrays the country and the Republic of Moldova does not need such a President.

Andrian Candu also said that what will happen today in Parliament will look like usurpation of the power as the legislative body is already nonfunctional and what will be decided there will be challenged.

Asked if yesterday’s protests were organized by the PDM, Andrian Candu answered affirmatively, noting the protests were mounted to demand stability. He said the protests will be continued and they will seek the impeachment of the President and holding of presidential elections simultaneously with the snap parliamentary elections in them.

He stated the Democrats will not come to the consultations with the parliamentary groups scheduled by Igor Dodon for June 10 and will insist on the President’s impeachment.

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