Democrat lawmakers suggest banning drug advertising

Pharmaceutical commercials could be forbidden in Moldova under a bill proposed to Parliament by Democrat MPs Dumitru Diacov and Oleg Tulea, Info-Prim Neo reports. The ban would cover all advertising for medications or any other products for medical purposes, except for advertising located in places where drugs are produced and sold as well as advertising destined for health professionals only. Also under the bill, broadcasters airing commercials for non-prescription treatments will be required to advise the audience to see a doctor or pharmacist in case of side effects. Additionally, the license number of the service provider is to be displayed on the screen for at least 5 minutes. Using actors to play doctors or scientist in commercials will also be forbidden. The Democrat lawmakers argue that the measure will help to protect consumers: “People often avoid seeing a doctor to prevent or treat an illness and will rather buy some drugs based solely on information provided in television commercials. Such treatments are often to the detriment of the patient's health and may lead to short- and long-term complications”. The bill was registered with the Parliament's Chancellery and is to be examined by the relevant parliamentary commissions.

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