Defense Ministry: No illegal flights have been detected in Moldova’s airspace

The air surveillance systems of the National Army haven’t detected illegal flights in Moldova’s airspace, the Ministry of Defense has said following reports about fragments of a shot-down missile that fell on Moldova’s territory this morning, IPN reports.

The Ministry said that the fragments of the shot-down missile weren’t detected by the radiolocation stations because these were very small. A bomb squad of the National Army is to inspect the scene.

Ukraine said Monday that Russian strikes hit the Dnestrovsc barrage in Ukraine, which is located at a distance of 1 km from the Naslavcea barrage. Fragments of a missile shot down by Ukrainian air defense fell on the northern outskirts of the Moldovan village Naslavcea that is situated close to the Ukrainian border. The Ministry of Internal Affairs said the area where the missile fell was fenced to avoid eventual dangers and a group of experts is examining the scene. There are no victims but the windows of houses in Naslavcea were damaged.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration issued a statement whereby it reiterates that Moldova strongly condemns the rocket attacks on Ukrainian localities, including the attack as a result of which missile fragments fell on Moldova’s Naslavcea.

“These attacks that further escalate the security situation are a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law that bans attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. This morning, officials of the Ministry got in touch with Moldova’s Embassy in the capital of Ukraine to make sure that the personnel are sage and the developments are attentively monitored. The Moldovan citizens in Ukraine can go to the Embassy in Kyiv or the consular office in Odessa for consular assistance in case of any necessity,” said the Ministry.

The institution noted that the attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure cause enormous economic and social damage to the whole European continent, including the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who feel the effects of the war in the country’s neighborhood. The Ministry firmly condemns the use by Russia of the energy resources as weapons.

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