Declaration of Independence will be kept in a safe
The document whereby the Declaration of Independence was restored will be kept in a safe that will protect it from fire. At the end of Monday's sitting of the Parliament, Speaker Mihai Ghimpu said that they placed an order for a special safe and assured that the Declaration will be guarded so that it does not burn again or disappear, Info-Prim Neo reports.
A number of 262 MPs signed the restoration document today, April 26. The procedure goes on. Seven members of the first legislative body will sign it at home as they are sick and could not come to the sitting. Another two MPs will do it when they return from trips, from Russia and Sudan. The signatures of 48 late MPs will be scanned.
The restoration document will contain also the signatures of the three Communist MPs who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1991, but refused to come to the April 26 meeting. These are Vasile Sova, Anatolie Papusoi and Valeriu Daraban. “Though they did not come at today's solemn sitting, their signatures will be scanned as they did not legally withdraw their signatures from the Declaration of Independence,” said Pantelei Sandulachi, the head of “Parlamentul 90” Association who formed part of the first Parliament.
At the end of the solemn sitting, the members of the first legislative body and those of the present legislature adopted a joint statement whereby they committed themselves to respecting the principles of the main document of the country and contribute to Moldova's European integration.
The Declaration of Independence was adopted on August 27, 1991. It was signed by 278 MPs of the about 380 who formed part of the first Parliament. The Declaration was destroyed in fire during the April 2009 events.