Decision on appointment of people’s ombudswoman for child rights is unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court ruled that the Parliament’s decision concerning the naming of Ecaterina Burlacu as people’s ombudswoman for child rights is unconstitutional. The Court pronounced on the issue following a challenge filed by Liberal MP Anatol Salaru, IPN reports.

Under the Court’s decision, the legislation provides eligibility criteria for the post of people’s ombudsperson and the people’s ombudsperson for child rights, including reputable activity in the area of child rights protection and promotion. Professionalism and repute are two key elements that give this person authority before the other authorities and state institutions. Analyzing the particular circumstances of the case, the Court could not ascertain the fulfillment of the condition concerning reputable activity in the area of child rights protection and promotion in general and in the area of child rights in particular.

The Court underlined the major role played by the people’s ombudsperson in effectively guaranteeing the human rights and the imperative of respecting the legal conditions by a candidate for this post. It called on Parliament to act prudently and in accordance with the law when choosing, assessing and naming candidates for the post of people’s ombudsperson.

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