Debts of over 196,000 lei for heat paid over a week

Debts of over 196,000 lei for heat have been paid by 25 bad payers during a week, after they were visited by bailiffs, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué from SA Termocom, the bailiffs, accompanied by representatives of the creditor, visited 397 apartments with debts. The dwellers who weren’t at home were issued with notices informing them that they were visited by the bailiff and need to present themselves at the bailiff’s office.

Debt recovery activities are carried out daily. The bailiffs impose several applicable bans until the debts are cleared. They can sequester the money and property of the debtor, prevent the debtor from performing certain acts, ban other persons from transmitting goods to the debtor, and ban the debtor from leaving the country.

The public heat utility calls on the end-users to be financially disciplined and avoid being sued and having their properly sequestrated. The payments for heat can be made at bank branches, electronic payment terminals and the commercial center of SA Termocom satiated at 6 T. Vladimirescu St.

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