“Debra Moldova” celebrates two years of foundation with photo exhibition

The nongovernmental association “Debra Moldova”, which promotes the interests of people suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, known as the butterfly disease, has mounted an exhibition of photographs to celebrate two years of the foundation. The pictures show persons suffering from this disease. The association’s head Eugen Brad has told IPN that the photos show how optimistic these people are despite the difficulties they encounter.

The exhibition is staged weekly in different places, on the weekend. Last weekend, it was mounted on the alley of Grigore Vieru Boulevard. This weekend, the pictures will be exhibited on Mircea cel Batran Blvd. in Ciocana district. The association’s volunteers also prepare candies for a fair held together with the exhibition.

After the exhibition was opened in the square before the monument to Ruler Stephan the Great, all the photos were stolen. A part of them were found destroyed the next day. The pictures were reprinted with the financial support of a volunteer.

Epidermolysis bullosa is an inherited connective tissue disease causing blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes. According to the Ministry of Health, in Moldova there are 54 persons suffering from the butterfly disease.

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