Days of leave not used for two years will be considered used

The days of annual leave accumulated and not used by employees for two years will be considered used. Parliament gave a first reading to a draft law that revises the mechanism of using leave, IPN reports.

The employer, at the end of the calendar year, will inform the employee, in writing, about the number of vacation days accumulated and their expiration date and will ask the employee to use these days of leave based on a mutually agreed schedule.

The days of leave not used by the employee before the entry into force of the provisions of this draft law can be used until December 31, 2029.

Also, the graduates of the paid traineeship programme in the civil service who have a full traineeship and are given the grade “very good”, but are not proposed to an executive public post will be included in the trainee reserve corps for a period of 12 months from the issuance of the traineeship certificate.

The bill introduces the medical practice as an activity compatible with the public post, which is carried out outside working hours.

The document is to be given a second reading.

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