Date of presidential election diverted attention from other problems, analyst

The director of the European Institute for Political Studies Viorel Cibotaru does not rule out that Marian Lupu initiated the procedure for electing the head of state in order to distract attention from other problems. “The proposal to hold the presidential elections on November 18 was rather an improvisation or a last-moment decision taken on the eve or in the hall. Thus, the Democratic Party diverted attention away from the accusations that it controlled certain state institutions, which were made by party representatives. The discussions will no longer continue in the same context as before,” the analyst stated for Info-Prim Neo. According to Viorel Cibotaru, the candidate for the presidency continues to be a game prevailing over the state interests. “It is not known what candidate they will select and if they will even take such a decision. However, it is good that the date of the elections was set as the delay in fixing it was anticonstitutional. But there are many questions that will remain in the shadow now,” said the analyst. Viorel Cibotaru said it is rumored that Dumitru Diacov may be the compromise candidate for the presidency. “For Diacov to become head of state, Lupu must leave the post of Speaker because the Democratic Party cannot hold two important posts. Diacov is a suitable candidate, known in the political sphere. I haven’t heard somebody saying that Diacov wronged them,” he stated. The chairman of the Political Analysis Center “Politicon” Anatol Taranu has told Info-Prim Neo that the MPs want the head of state to be elected this year, even by two rounds of voting, and thus chose a date that allows meeting these two conditions. On the other hand, there is still enough time to hold negotiations and select a suitable candidate. He also said that everything is possible in Moldova, including the election of Dumitru Diacov as President. “I think that if he is fielded for head of state, the relations between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party will improve significantly,” stressed Anatol Taranu. The Parliament decided that the presidential election will take place on November 18.

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