Customs Service will set up specialized divisions to discover drug trafficking cases

The Customs Service intends to create specialized subdivisions that will identify drug trafficking cases. These will work as part of the antifraud divisions of the zonal customs offices, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The Kynological Center that has ten sniffer dogs purchased with the support of the European Union also helps us. The Center’s capacities are yet limited and we do not have enough experience in this field. Yet, we can already discover cases of trafficking in light drugs, especially persons that use trains to transport drugs,” said the director general of the Customs Service Viorel Melnic. The official also said that the Customs Service cooperates with the specialized division of the Ministry of the Interior in the combating of drug trafficking. Recently, the Service established cooperation relations with the Border Guard Service and signed a relevant agreement. “Regretfully, the Transnistrian conflict makes the situation more complicated. Schemes for transporting contraband are “deep-rooted” in Harbovet village for instance. A single service, even if with very good specialists, could not achieve the projected results. The efforts must be joined,” Melnic said. Out of the 66 legal cases opened by the Customs Service this year, 3% were drug transportation related cases.

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