Cricova councilor seeks help from Acting President, Premier

Valeriu Vozian, a member of the Cricova Town Council, in a news conference on March 16 called on Acting President Marian Lupu, Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Prosecutor General Valeriu Zubco to intervene and help solve the problems that arouse in the Cricova mayor's office, Info-Prim Neo reports. Valeriu Vozian also called upon civil society and the residents of Cricova not to ignore the measures with negative impact taken by the local public administration. He said an illegal scheme was set up to sell 11 hectares of land belonging to the local authorities. The damage to the local budget in 2010 was assessed at 1.5 million lei. The councilor said the land was sold without auction for less than 100,000 lei. According to him, realty experts set the commercial price of the land at 20-30 million lei. It is farmland that cannot be used to build something on. Valeriu Vozian also said that the mayor of Cricova has provided no explanations yet. He stressed that the plots on which to erect private houses are distributed with violations. The waiting lists include over 1,300 families that were put on them in 1990. A number of persons who were written on the lists later already received land. The councilor stated that though the meetings of the Cricova Council are public, the people are not informed about them and their agenda. The inhabitants cannot attend the meetings as there are only 20 places in the hall. Vozian said he proposed holding the meetings in the home of culture, but his proposal was ignored. The mayor of Cricova Valentin Gutan could not be found for comment.

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