Credibility in media sources diminished, study

The media outlets play an important role in society, but there is yet the perception that these manipulate and promote the interests of backers. Credibility in media sources has diminished, says a study commissioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Moldova to the IMAS Institute of Marketing and Polls. The survey covered persons aged between 25 and 55 and shows the situation of 2017, IPN reports.

The respondents said the mass media should fight t the politicians, not work for them. In this regard, they think the foreign mass media are an example of objective provision of information. The sources should be objective and the journalists should present the truth and several viewpoints. Those surveyed said they journalists should not search for sensations as they can omit important things in the process.

According to the respondents, a good journalistic investigation should be neutral politically and should provide information equidistantly. Even if they think the journalistic investigations in Moldova do not produce results, those polled said these should not be stopped.

The largest part of the respondents consider  a part of the journalists write by order, while others think there are honest journalists, but these not always provide many details and exclude particular evidence. To have greater confidence in investigations, the respondents need the information to be neutral from political viewpoint and things to be presented neutrally and also need reasonable arguments with pertinent evidence.

As to blogs, most of those interviewed know what a blog is even if they don’t follow one. They think this is rather an alternative for transmitting information and anyone can be blogger, not necessarily those with knowledge in journalism. The blogger presents the opinion subjectively. The blog is associated it with an agenda or a personal journal.

Attending the study launch, Germany’s Ambassador to Moldova Julia Monar said she became acquainted with a lot of good journalists during her term. On the other hand, she was surprised to see how swiftly particular news articles that weren’t substantiated were spread.  

President of the Association of Independent Press Petru Macovei said the survey shows an outdated situation in parts and investigative journalism cannot be compared with blogging. “It is not right to compare investigative journalism with blogging. IMAS by this study shows that political influence is exerted not only on the mass media, but also on sociological companies,” he stated.

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