Corruption level in state institutions has decreased, poll

29% of the respondents of a poll conducted by Transparency International Moldova – employees of institutions of the central public authorities – said the institution where they work is affected by corruption. However, the figure is by 13% lower than in 2012. About two thirds of those polled are ready to denounce cases of corruption, a decrease on 2012.

Transparency International (TI) Moldova expert Ianina Spinei, in a news conference at IPN, said that when asked about the existence of conflicts of interest, most of the respondents indicated the correct definition of the conflict of interest. The number of those who correctly indicated the penalties for not submitting personal interest statements, not reporting conflicts of interest and for filing false statements is lower, but higher than in 2012.

A larger number of people submit personal interest statements. Most of the respondents (84%) said that they lodged such statements in 2013, an increase on 2012. Nevertheless, many of those questioned confused the personal interest statements and the income and property statements. The survey revealed that the public authorities do not pay enough attention to the conflicts of interest. Almost 40% of the respondents said their employment obligations ado not include declaring the personal interests and the conflicts of interest.

Though the legislation imposes post-employment restrictions, about 74% of those surveyed said there are no such restrictions at their institution for employees. 28% of the respondents said the procedure for assessing the staff is not objective and transparent, while 33% said there are persons at their institution who were employed based on family relations.

Based on the findings, TI Moldova formulated a number of recommendations for the central public authorities, including to inform the employees about the necessity of reporting conflicts of interest, to work out a guide for reporting such cases, to ensure transparency in the employment, assessment and promotion process and to take into account respondents’ opinions about the incorrect policies implemented at the institutions of the central public authorities so as to improve the working environment.

The poll was carried out within the Engaging Civil Society in Monitoring Conflict of Interest Policies Project that is financed by the European Commission. It covered 21 authorities and institutions of the central public authorities.

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