Corruption cases to be collected through online platform

The Center for Policies and Reforms of Moldova launched a platform for collecting cases of corruption and situations that can lead to corruption. The platform will be used on a trial basis for two weeks. Suggestions and recommendations for improving the website will be collected in the period, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Center said one third of the citizens refuse to offer bribe according to polls and these people should have a platform for reporting bribe taking cases. The others citizens will be gradually reached out and these will be explained the types of corruption and why such practices should be combated and how things should actually stand.

All the reported cases are anonymous and do not contain personal data. “The larger is the number of collected cases, the easier it will be to identify particular tendencies and to initiate advocacy campaigns so as to press the state institutions and the local authorities to change the state of affairs,” says the press release.

The platform was created by the e-Government Agency of Estonia together with the Center for Policies and Reforms of Moldova with the assistance of Soros Foundation Moldova, the Open Society Foundations and the Estonian Agency for Development and Cooperation.

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